Tuesday 24 November 2020

Wind-up Ifrit (Final Fantasy XIV Papercraft)


Difficulty: Medium (16cm)/ Hard (8cm)
Pages: 4/2
Pieces: 106
Height: 16/8cm
Width: 13/6.5cm
Depth: 19/9cm


Disclaimer: I didn't make this model, it was ripped from the game. I've just posed it and edited it a little bit to make it more papercraft friendly ~

 Instructions: I am tired of words. So take this crudely drawn scheme instead ~

Monday 9 November 2020

Wind-up Mystel (Final Fantasy XIV Papercraft)

Difficulty: Hard (18cm)/ Savage (10cm)
Pages: 4/2
Pieces: 143
Height: 18cm/10cm
Width: 11.5cm/6cm
Depth:  7cm/4cm


Disclaimer: I didn't make this model, it was ripped from the game. I've just posed it and edited it a little bit to make it more papercraft friendly ~

 Instructions: Go for smaller version only if you are masochist and/or want challenge or if you are ready to suffer for cute smollnes. Starts with the front of the hair, attach ears when possible, make face, finish back of the hair, make neck, don't forget crystal on the cheeck, make torso, attach hands when possible, make legs and glue them to main body. When making hood flap on the front should be glued in place only after you've sled hood on the neck. Base is made starting from bottom piece, continued by making all crystal spikes starting from leftmost and going clockwise, closed at flapless blue stripe. The staff is... a nightmare. Good luck.

Notes: If you've been wondering where I've been all this time, that's where. Good old MMOs, the annihilators of free time ~